ovject Bottle in Bottle
ovject's Bottle-in-Bottle features an enamel bottle inside a double-layer vacuum stainless steel bottle, making it the perfect stainless bottle for every kind of drink, including acidic beverages.By setting a glass-based enamel bottle set inside a stainless bottle, we have make it possible to store all kinds of beverages and flavorings inside—including acidic drinks, fruit juices, and drinks with high salt content, which cannot be contained in standard stainless steel bottles due to the characteristics of the material.This is a product that combines the texture of metal with design details that meld into your hand, with no unnecessary adornments. Our Bottle-in-Bottle, modeled in the shape of a tea canister, blends comfortably into any scene your kitchen, your workspace, the outdoors, and more.
Photo location : The Blend Inn
Photography : Wataru Kitamura [ OSER / lien / Wanderlust ]