190829 / I was born _ Live sculpting _ Workshop
9/13からはじまる 六甲ミーツ・アート芸術散歩2019にて展示を行う自然と人の関係性の変化、大地讃頌をテーマにした
空間体験型のランドアート《 I was born 》の公開製作、WSを行います。
1. 大地に穴を掘ります
3.フレーム周囲と内部の 階段の形状に合わせて土を埋め戻し
4.内壁と階段踏面に合板を貼って下地 をつくります
We will hold a workshop and public production about an interactive land art 《 I was born 》at " Rokko Meets Art 2019 " starting on 13th September.
This exhibit under the theme of changes in the relationship between nature and people and "Daichisanshō" .
It is possible only view, but depending on the weather, it may be suspected, so please contact us before coming.
1. Dig a hole in the ground.
2. Insert a wooden frame.
3. Backfill the soil to fit the frame and internal shape.
4. Make the groundwork with plywood on the inner wall and stairs.
[ Live sculpting _ Workshop ]
Dig WS 8/29 10:00-18:00
Bury WS 8/30,8/31 10:00-18:00
Paint WS 9/7,9/8 10:00-18:00